Saturday, March 15, 2008

PLN 4- Envisioning the Future of Libraries

I recently finished reading a blog post titled Envisioning the Future of Libraries on Cool Cat Teacher Blog. In this article, it talks about a recent discussion of the future of libraries, and ideas organized for it. Some ideas mentioned were: "space transformation"-the library should be an area comfortable enough to relax with a laptop and study, "the invisible collection"- an idea where the library is able to access and download audio books onto devices, and "differentiated books"- where text books are updated for students and the ability to adjust to a student's reading level or ability.

Many of these ideas and discussions were important enough to format an organization just for the futures of libraries. Something so small, could matter very much for a student's learning environment and surroundings. A student's study place can be very essential if they choose to study elsewhere besides home. It should be comfortable, relaxing, accessible, and convenient.

In the world, many people have different study or learning environments. Students should experience different ones and compare the ones they favor. Whether it's at home, the library, a classroom, or outside; it's still a study area. A good environment attracts more students and encourages them of their studies.

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