Saturday, May 17, 2008

PLN 20- "Making Kids Googlable"

I finished reading a post by Will Richardson, titled "Making Kids Googlable" . The post talked about the information people put online that can be found within searches. And of the dependent technology we use for about everything.
Here was my response:
"Mr. Richardson, Having that chance and risk of being "googlable", can be openly dangerous. Depending on the information we put online, it can be positive or negative. On myspace and facebook, students put out a open profile of personal information or they share their work on the internet. If colleges do search your work, it can be a good opportunity to show yourself and who you are by the details you show online. It is just a matter of perspective that comes to mind when it comes to good or bad. We all post things online, but being smart about it is essential. We must be careful what we put, where we put, and why we put it. There can be good and unconvincing reasons we post specific knowledge/information on web pages. The thing is, technology has advanced and will advance even more. And the internet certainly is reliable, but we cannot believe everything in our naivve presence, that is put on the internet. The fact is, many things of our own can be accessible."

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