Thursday, September 13, 2007

PLN Entry 2-Nata Children recieve new shoes

I was looking through the Nata Village blog and I saw one story that seemed like a good article to me, called Nata Children recieve new shoes. This blog is about two travelers from London that are part of an organization; The Nata AIDS and Orphan trust. They distribute shoes (donated by Flamingo High school) to the children in the village and try to find the right shoe sizes for them. A lot of children are poor all around the world, and I think its important that we share and help them. It is very sweet that organizations take the time to give to children who don't have food, clothes, or shoes. It matters that we should be thankful for just about everything that we have, to not take advantage of it, and to not complain about the smallest things. The world around us can be greedy, and we must not follow that. We have every reason to be thankful even if we dislike something, like school. It's essential to be generous and sharing to everyone, and not take in of any selfishness.

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