Saturday, September 22, 2007

PLN Entry 4- Putting them in a bubble

I was looking through the Thinking Stick blog and one article called Putting them in a bubble looked interesting to me. In this blog it is talking about how educators are trying to put students in a bubble aside from our generation. In this generation right now, a lot of us download music illegally, use Youtube, and have a myspace or a facebook. Adults try to protect us from these certain things and attempt to keep them out of our bubble. They are okay with us doing those things at home and not at school; adults are afraid that the new things in our world is affecting our learning. When our "bubbles" pop, we will have to deal and face the real world ourselves without any direction or guidance.
This connects to me because I know that I personally do those things that everybody else does, but parents dont really understand our new generation and new technology. I have been in a Christian school my whole life, and they have been putting us in a Christian bubble; entering into a public school is like entering the real world for me and I feel like I am no longer in this bubble. They shouldn't criticize the things we like to do and think that it might effect our learning. And relating to the world, a lot of people are so caught into stuff like computers, cellphones, ipods, etc. that they lose their focus on the real world.
One quote stuck out in this article:
"What happens when they graduate and go off into the world?"

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