Saturday, December 1, 2007

PLN 23- Pocket Texting and Open Phone Tests

I was recently looking through many blogs until I found one that had drawn my attention. This blog is called Pocket Texting and Open Phone Tests. This is about a 14-year old boy named Insoo that makes his phone play an important role of school and education. He uses his phone to send an SMS or a text without even looking at his phone. He has his own info to slide the phone open and press all the buttons to send one text. When Insoo has difficult homework problems, he goes on the computer and posts the problem on a online service that has people's response to it. A questionable debate is made on this blog; whether phone tests are ok and if technology is influencing our work and possibly helping us and affecting our future.

I thought this boy is pretty smart to compose a message, press all the buttons, without even looking at his phone. This relates to me because I use the computer all the time for homework in different classes. Google is a big help for research papers and for general information. I think that we always use the computer for different uses, but what might it be like in the future? The technology will be higher and advance even more.

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