Tuesday, November 13, 2007

PLN 19- Dog Training

I recently suscribed to a blog called Fivestardog. I found a article called Dog Training on this blog and it talks about the necessity and importance of training your dog. Dogs naturally want to please their owner, but without any guidance they will do whatever they want. This could include chewing, barking, tearing up furniture, etc. Obedience training will make dogs even more enjoyable, and can prevent the yelling from happening that people do to dogs when they have bad behavior.

This relates to me because my dog usually opens the door himself out of his room to come out, and he scratches the carpet also. When we discipline him and train him, he no longer does these things because dogs dislike it when owners aren't very pleased with them. I think dogs are very smart, because they can do many things. For example, I have heard many stories before on dogs saving people's lives when something dangerous has happened to them. They are also friendly, loving, and loyal; and that's why I absolutely love dogs.

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