Thursday, October 11, 2007

PLN 10- ACLU protests school search of cellphones

In the Denver Post's category I found an article called ACLU protests school search of cellphones by Kieran Nicholson. In this article, it is about the ACLU of Colorado complaining to the Boulder Valley School District about it being a crime searching student's cellphone text messages. It's believed after no proof of drugs or cigarettes from students, schools question and search for felonies in the text messages. Principals in the Douglas and Jefferson county search in student's cellphones since last year.

It is important for principals to care about their school and set up rules and regulations. It is a good idea that they look for proof of crimes in student's text messages, but I still think it is a little private to interfere with their cell phones although they would still have a right to do so.
I know that a lot of people at school use their cellphones to text especially, even during part of class, I would understand why the search would be taken place in those schools.

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